My Experience and Expertise
- over 30 years of experience in education and business
- strategy and performance consultant to professionals, high school and post-secondary students
- emphasizes acquiring self-management strategies to meet professional, personal and academic objectives
- clients' challenges:
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
mental health issues
organizationally challenged
struggles with planning, scheduling, and completion of tasks
- clients' locations:
national and international - via video conferencing or phone
- Master of Education (Leadership)
- Bachelor of Education with a focus on special education and psychology
- Reality Therapy Counseling
- Restitution Training
- Learning Strategies Curriculum - University of Kansas
- SK School-Based Administrators’ Professional Development Program
- Instructional Leader of Special Education Department at Carlton Connection High School
- Workshops created and presented with a focus on creating Success Cycles
- Published writer
- Teacher of the Year Award – Council for Exceptional Children
- President of Learning Disabilities Assn of Sask. (LDAS)
- Director of Learning Disabilities Assn of Canada (LDAC)
LDAC Priority and Planning Committee
Founder and President of Prince Albert LDAS Chapter
- Canada 125 Award for Volunteers – recommended by LDAC